
Using Light, Researchers Convert 2-D Patterns Into 3-D Objects

Using Light, Researchers Convert 2-D Patterns Into 3-D Objects

By: North Carolina State University
On: 10/11/2011
Displayed on: ScienceDaily
Citation: North Carolina State University. "Using light, researchers convert 2-D patterns into 3-D objects." ScienceDaily, 10 Nov. 2011. Web. 13 Nov. 2011.

Using only light researches of the North Carolina State University, have found a way to convert 2D pattern to 3D objects.
Dr. Michael Dickey states: “This is a novel application of existing materials, and has potential for rapid, high-volume manufacturing processes or packaging applications,” this means that this is an innovative product, is made of current materials, it also can be used for rapid industrial packaging. What they do is very easy; they take a pre-stressed plastic sheets, then they run it through a common printer to print black lines on the plastic. Then the material is cut into different pieces and put under a heat lamp, or other infrared light. The black lines absore much more energy than the rest, this makes the material bend; then making angles which will form a 3D shape. Many objects can be formed using this technique. Here is what is also included in the writing: “By varying the width of the black lines, or hinges, researchers are able to change how far each hinge folds. For example, they can create a hinge that folds 90 degrees for a cube, or a hinge that folds 120 degrees for a pyramid. The wider the hinge, the further it folds. Wider hinges also fold faster, because there is more surface area to absorb energy.” This shows how scientists can discover more by only knowing one main thing.
I like this article because it is practically talking about a new invention. And not about things that are getting better or worst in world. Scientists and researchers need to know one thing to discover other. This is very interesting and cool!


  1. I never knew that this was possible. It is really interesting. I researched this and saw some really cool pictures.

  2. This article is very interesting and it kept me reading it.

  3. This is very interesting. I have also seen how scientists have created a new printer that prints out 3D objects. How do you suppose this could benefit society?

  4. Also, few days ago I found this video and you can see the polymer sheets folding when exposed to light. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wIjLo7bfwU
    Hope you enjoy it.
