Hi-Tech Fabric Improves Athletic Prowess And Heals Too!
By: Meera Dolasia
On: 3/11/2011
Posted on: DogoNews --- http://www.dogonews.com/2011/11/3/hi-tech-fabric-improves-athletic-prowess-and-heals-too
This new type of fabric developed by Santa Monica based Hologenix LLC, will mainly work if the cells have an oxygen level more than normal, the high tech will help the body work better. The fabric is made of synthetic polymer it turns infrared into useful energy, the energy gets stored by the fabric and then transferred onto the person in contact with the fabric.
It is not sure whether it works perfectly or not, but it has now been a decade that this company has been testing it.
The author also includes: “The Company is also currently conducting clinical trials to establish that if the fabric is incorporated into everyday items like blankets, bedding, mattresses etc., it will help us function better and lead healthier lives.” That means that in the future similar things will be invented/developed and they will improve daily lives.
I like this article because there is finally a company which will sell very sophisticated articles which will improve daily lives. I think that the way the fabric is made is very smartly made and that people in the future will need these types of things.
Chronic: Of long duration. Lasting for a long period.
Infrared: Electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength longer than visible light, but shorter that a microwave radiation, having a wavelength between 700 nm and 1 mm.
Polymer: Any of numerous natural and synthetic compainds of usually high molecular weight.
I like this fabric as well and I think we will definitely need something like this in the future especially if it will make us healthier. :)