
Input - Output Notes on Minerals

   How are rocks created? What types of rocks are there? Explain how they are formed. There are 3 different types of rocks, sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous. Sedimentary rocks form when other types of rocks have been eroded, once eroded they can be carried down by water. Layers of layer they compress down the bottom ones. They compress and become hard. Metamorphic rocks were once sedimentary rocks, the rocks had changed due to heat and pressure. Igneous rocks formed when lava cools down. They either form underground or above the ground.
   What is the rock cycle? The rock cycle is a continuous process which changes the rock type over time. 
 How can you identify a mineral? It needs to have the SNIFC properties.
 How are mineral crated? Minerals are formed through a geological process. Also they can form when lava or magma cools down.
 What is the most precious mineral? Diamonds
 Can a rock be a mineral? No because it doesn't have crystalline structure and a definite chemical composition. These to things are needed for any solids to be a mineral.
 Interesting facts on Gold, topaz and Diamond - 
  •  Gold: Less than 50% of all the world's gold is underground
  • Gold: the largest gold nugget weighted 195 pounds
  • Gold: Native Scottish gold is at 22.8 karats
  • Diamond: discovered in 2500 years ago in India
  • Topaz: Imperial Topaz and Pink Topaz are very rare
  • Topaz: Known as the gemstone with the widest range of curative powers. (e.g. Asthma).

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