An astrophysicist has a reasonable explanation to why 4 years agoa series of ball lightning or UFO sights were happening. One evening of May 2006 in New South Wales, Queensland 3 green and light fireball were crossing the sky, similar 'stars' were also seen in New Zealand.
A farmer near Greenmount said that he saw these steaming balls rolling down the hill. He also said that they were green, the light might be around 75 watt and 30 cm in diameter. When the 'star' was still flying the farmer didn't see any rock or any pieces left behind the fireball.
The astronomer opinion is that this type of fireball, this might be a ball lightning mixed with a fireball. This is his thought because if the ball would roll over the hill it would already make an explosion; it was just like a beach-ball... Remember that this might also be a UFO sighting.
Hughes [astronomer] says that this green ball might be a remainder of a comet that circles around Earth few months ago.
This new info about Earth and space was really interesting and fascinating. If the green ball was an UFO sighting that is such a bad news because this means that Extra Terrestrial have more technology than us [us humans].
Posted by: Francesca 6A
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Article by: Carl Holm
Date Article Written: 1/12/2010
this is a good current event and you made a lot of explanation and you did a nice work