
Are Venus Volcanoes Active?

     Are Venus Volcanoes Active? Scientists know that there are 1000 and more on Venus, but know there is a possibility that these volcanoes are active. Although Venus is hard to see from Earth because of its thick clouds, a spacecraft orbiting the sun had took some photos of it, and the photos were showing active volcanoes. These volcanoes who seems to be active are in the Northern part of Venus, but there are also a few in the Southern part. Bondarenko ( a planetary scientist ) her colleagues studied the lava flow using data from NASA’s Magellan mission. Magellan spacecraft sent microwaves, which can go through Venus’ clouds, to the surface. Microwaves are invisible and three feet long. These type of waves are like light they bounce off surfaces. The scientists say the lava can’t be very old (10,000 ) because if it was, it would have cooled off enough. Scientists are thinking that this eruption was have been 100 old. Suzanne Smrekar, a planetary geologist, studied the other lava flows in Southern Venus and for now she doesn' t know the existence of the Northern volcanoes.

Posted by: Francesca 6A
Article on: ScienceDaily 
Article date: Nov. 10
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