Guiding question – Does the mass of the marble affect how it moves?
When given a force what happens to its motion?
Hypothesis – Yes, it affects how it moves, because the more mass, weight there is in a marble, the more slowly it will go because more force is needed to make it move. The force makes the object move through motion.
Materials –
· Different types of marbles
· A tray or a free table
· Straw
Record and Analyze –
Table Tennis | 83 cm (ogi) | 80 cm (me) |
Mini Styrophone | 20 cm | 30 cm |
Glass | 40 cm | 37 cm |
Marble | 86 cm | 51 cm |
Steel Ball | 22 cm | 61 cm |
Big Marble | 0 cm | 0 cm |
Tennis | 25 cm | 0 cm |
Golf Ball | 0 cm | 0 cm |
DATA ANALYSIS: Similarities and Differences
For most of our trials, we mostly had very similar results of the distance the ball traveled. The biggest difference we have is for the steel ball 21 cm for Ogi and 61 cm for me; it’s a big difference! What might have caused the difference is the force made by Ogi and I blowing through the straw. He might have blown much softer than me. The hardest balls to make move through blowing, were the big marble, tennis ball and golf ball. I think it was the hardest because they were the heaviest in mass and the biggest in volume. In fact, for the golf ball we both couldn’t move it: 0 cm for Ogi and 0 cm for me. Also the big marble was 0 centimeters for both of us.
Conclusion: Does the mass of the marble affect how it moves?
When given a force what happens to its motion?
The mass of the marble does affect it motion. The heaviest and bigger in size the marble/ ball are the harder it will be to make it roll. If you want to try to make it move you should give more power to your blow.
Let’s pretend that force and motion is two people; motion does what the force tells him/her to. It depends how much force gives motion to do. (In this case) If you blow harder force tells motion to go further.
Further Inquiry:
Since for some marbles it was too hard make them move, we could have tried to use more than one straw, maybe three.
We also could have tried blowing through the straw and without the straw.
Will the results change if once I blow through the straw/s and once normally (without the straw)?
Very clear data table and good data analysis. I like the idea of using more straws to get the ball rolling, but you show a clear understanding of the more mass there is, the more force you need to get something moving.